Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween pics

Oh Juna. My darling Juna. Mommy is so so so sorry. It looked a lot less dorky on the hanger.

Avie looks nice and toasty. 72 degrees. Typical Midwestern October weather craziness. I just wanted simple jammie type costumes for the babies, since they'd only be in them one hour before bed during trick or treating, if that. It was more for Boo than anyone else. She barely noticed them, so excited was she over her own costume.

Boo's school had a costume parade on the playground. Older kids sat on benches and watched the littler grades march by while oohing and ahhing for them. I LOVED when the Kindergarten class came out and saw the preschoolers and said, "Oh, look at the little ones!" Little ones. You are one year older. Hah!

The kids marched while music was played on the loudspeakers. Then they asked the kids to gather around the building and chant, "Candy Monster, Candy Monster!" Suddenly the coach appeared on the roof and threw candy down on the kids. Mass candy chaos. It was great.

I love this pic. Here's Boo in her "Mulan" costume. I put her in a dress from China, threw her hair on top of her head, put on black tights and black boots, and gave her a pink sword. She had the last minute idea of drawing a cricket "Crickee" and taping it to her shoulder. I wish you could see the detail on Crickee. He's hilarious. Notice the child to the far left is actually dressed in a real Mulan costume. That was perfect unplanned timing on this picture. That's why I love this age. She has no idea it wasn't the actual Disney store costume, nor did she notice Mulan standing right next to her.

Boo's best friend came over that evening while I switched Boo to her glow worm costume as seen on Word To Your Mutha- the show. My latest little internet video show. Again, it was freakishly warm, so she wasn't able to put up her blinkie light hood until later. I laced a glow bracelet through the pony tail on her head instead.
I was hesitant to put that Halloween costume idea on my show in the first place. It's really way too simple. However, I am pleased to report that Boo was showered with compliments from almost every house on our route. "What a great costume! What an original idea! How did you think of that? That's a great idea! Your mommy is so clever." WOOO! Give this woman a TV show already, dammit, people!!

Boo would walk away from the houses saying, "You were right Mommy. People really do love my costume! That was a good idea! I didn't think so, but you were right!" I replied, "Boo, how soon are you going to realize that Mommy is always right?" SHe looked at me and replied oh so cleverly, "Never."

Here's Boo and Hannah, posing in front of one of the decorated houses. At this point, the wind kicked up and I was able to put up Boo's blinkie hood, which really completed the costume.
The neighborhood was completely shut down for Halloween. All the streets were blocked off. There were parties in the actual street. Parties on the lawns with BBQs and drinks and huge buckets of candy for the kids. The houses that were dark were only dark because they had gathered next door on the lawn with fire pits and huge groups of adults to hand out candy. Some houses had 5 people at a long table with cauldrons filled with treats to hand out. All the houses were over-decorated for Halloween. Almost like professional haunted house displays. The kids could trick or treat from the houses, the lawns and the tables in the streets. And this was block after block after block in our neighborhood. I'm not kidding when I say this neighborhood goes coo coo for the holidays. It's an amazing sight to see. It's one of the last remaining neighborhoods in this country to do such a thing. I'm very proud to live here.

So, what's a mom to do with dozens of glow bracelets after the Halloween night fun is over? Lace them through Boo's Cinderella pumpkin carriage bed. She could look up at them while falling asleep and think she was stoned while watching a Pink Floyd light show.

The amount of candy collected was absurd. I filled a massive bowl with the stuff and told Matt he was taking most of it to work the next day. It's helpful when a dad works with a bunch of bachelors. But most of his coworkers are married and having kids. Can computer geeks get sick of an unlimited supply of candy? We'll find out! Just imagine the load next year with three kids. Oh help us.

Halloween was a blast. I'm so lucky that Boo is in a school that recognizes the joy of an actual Halloween party. I'm so lucky to live in a neighborhood that goes all out for the kids. This is what I waited for all those dark infertility years. Seeing the sheer delight on Boo's face all afternoon and night made me the happiest mom in the world.


Anonymous said...

I have a question for The Mutha. For whatever reason I was thinking about this at 4 am. What happens when you are out alone with all 3 girls and you have to go to the bathroom???? (Or even if Miss Boo has to go?) I could not come up with a solution to this problem that doesn't involve leaving one or more children on the other side of a bathroom stall.

Mutha Mae said...

Christy, this is a very good question. What I do is wheel the girls into the bathroom in their twin stroller. Leave the stroller outside the stall and take Boo into the handicapped stall with me. Take care of our needs while constantly peeking out to make sure the babies are not being abducted.

Or if no one is in the bathroom, I leave the stall door open while I go so I can watch the babies.

When I just had the single stroller, I'd wheel it into the handicapped stall. There are no worries about someone handicapped getting angry, because the diaper change stations are usually in the handicapped stalls.

Fortunately, the times I take out the babies alone are during non busy times- like the Botanical Garden. I am usually the only one in the bathroom.

Sofie said...

HI - I have been so busy lately - sorry for the lack of comments! I had a sec. and wanted to tell you that your last paragraph made my eyes water! I couldn't agree or understand more! I'm right there with ya sister!

Steph said...

Your little girls are SO beautiful! Where did you get Boos bed???

Mutha Mae said...

That bed came from a local furniture store but you can find it online as well. Google Cinderella pumpkin carriage bed. It's really pretty in person!

Anonymous said...

That last comment made my eyes water too, and I don't even have kids yet. And - you undersell yourself - that glowworm costume was a WONDERFUL idea! All your kiddos looked wonderful.