Friday, May 25, 2007


Visa visa visa, visa visa visa.

When the FedEX Lady arrived, I did little song and dance.

One step closer, my friends. One step closer.

Did you know a visa is just a sticker they put in your passport? I pictured it being a piece of paper you carried around when you traveled. But no, you just carry around your passport. One stop identity checking.

You should see how I look in my passport photo. Like I've already traveled to China and back. I look haggard. If they really do match babies based on our passport photos, then the Chinese think a haggard American is gorgeous. I mean, just look at my beautiful baby! She was matched to ME? Based on THAT photo? Bless them.

Speaking of funny looking passports, you should see my 3 year old's passport. When we started this process, we thought we'd be taking her with us. She was 14 months old in her passport picture and NOT happy. I was holding her on my lap when I tumbled forward and we both crashed to the concrete floor of the post office. Yeah, so no wonder she was a tad bit bitchy in that photo. I had forgotten that memory until just now.

We are all anxiously awaiting our travel approvals. Once they come in, we can book flights. This is not the best time to be traveling. Flights are so booked and soooo pricey. Come on, T/As. By Monday maybe?

DOH! Monday is a holiday! AHHHHH MORE WAITING.

Care to distract me? What's up in your world right now?

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