Monday, March 17, 2008

Mutha Monday- out to dinner

Thanks for the kind words about the vlog experiment I am doing. Writing your blog entry is soooo 2007! Heh. Yeah, I'm hooked. I'll get bored soon. Old skool blogging returns soon.

A new episode of Word To Your Mutha- my actual video show- will air on Monday. Part 2 of the Magnet School series. But here's a little vlog entry to tide you over until then.

WELLLLL Matt and I went out to dinner this weekend. We went to a fondu restaurant. We took the camera. Because my husband shows his love by putting up with my crazy ideas! How many other husbands would allow a camera to document their love anywhere else but the bedroom? Ewww no vlogging about that please! While at dinner, we turned on the camera and I commented between courses so as not to ruin the entire evening. Show of hands of who feels sorry for my husband?

The next six minutes proves that Matt and I will never be offered our own reality show. And there's nothing like celebrating weight loss by gaining it all back in one seating. Eatertainment indeed!


Anonymous said...

Oh man - that was funny!

Mutha Mae said...

Thanks! There will be a part two in a few days. Matt's Vlog Entry! Not by his choice or anything...

Anonymous said...

I got a message that the video is no longer available????


Raquita said...

ditto - wha happened?!?!?

Ashley said...

me too! I'd love to watch it.

I sent you an email this am. Hope you got it!

Mutha Mae said...

Should be fixed now.

Ashley, got it! Thanks! I wonder how I can get on their show, hahaha!!

Anonymous said...

You are too funny Mae!! I love all your vlogs but I think this was my favorite.

Don't take this the wrong way but you have the most perfect lips ever. I'm so jealous!

Mutha Mae said...

Kathie- this is good feedback for me. I want to take this in the most entertaining direction possible. I wasn't sure I could pull off being entertaining enough by going out to dinner and not getting campy or over the top. This gives me something to go on for the future.

And the comment about my lips! LOVE THAT! You will never see me anywhere without my lippie on!

Anonymous said...

What was in that bananas foster dip?

Mutha Mae said...

That was white chocolate, cinnamon, bananas, and caramel. OMG so good. SO GOOD. I'm a dark chocolate girl and was hesitant to try, but DAYUM it was incredible. Sweet. Very sweet. But like eating a liquid cinnamon bun. So good over the cheesecake. OINK!

Skywind said...

LMAO over here. I keep wondering about the people in some other booth nearby you guys, whispering, "Does she really have a video camera in there? What are they talking about? What is this blog thing?"

You're very dramatic, especially when you're ranting. :)

I think it might be easier to watch (and, easier to shoot) if you zoomed out a little with the camera... I get a little dizzy from how your face moves in and out toward/away from the camera, and sometimes I mostly see nose. Putting just a little more distance in there will reduce the camera wiggle and give you a more natural looking face. I'm not sure how much space you have to work with though!

These are fun. You're silly and interesting, and remember, with reality tv -- they shoot 2-3 days of footage to get maybe an hour show... That's a lot of editing! (and useless footage)

Nobody said...


Mutha Mae said...

Skywind, I agree with what you said. Matt was holding the camera for those shots.

Eve- definitely!

Anonymous said...

jealous you guys got out-- we never EVER get out- but I'm as happy for you as I can be about that- lol your husband was funny too- he was a little more willing than rick. lol

Ashley said...

Ok, that cheese fondue looked so yummy! Yes, I did want to swan dive into it! Do you guys ever play that game, where if you lose your bread in the pot of cheese, you have to offer up a kiss to your honey?? After all, you did have a private booth!!

jen said...

I love this one! I can only imagine what people were thinking, but that makes it funnier.

Shannon River said...

My hubby and I went there (the exact franchise) on March 1 for our 6th anniversary of being together. (4 years married) We sat in a booth exactly like yours.

Sadly, the cheese wasn't as good as I expected. I forget what we got, but it just wasn't that good. :-( And I'm a vegetarian so I cooked up all the meat for my hubby while I ate all the veggies. (The mushrooms were my favorite!!)

It's amazing that we managed room for the chocolate fondue. Yummmm. It's also SUPER amazing that this meal takes about 3 hours!!
It was such a night for us though. And we dressed up.

You remember Denver of course. Putting on your finest jeans is dressing up in Denver.

How silly those people brought their kids. Do we see some burned fingers in the future?

OH and I remarked to our rather humorless waiter that the fondue was like a FACIAL with all that steam. :-)

Mutha Mae said...

Oh yes, that private booth was so romantic. Cramped. But romantic. Oh, and we did wonder what the waiter thought about us having a video camera in a private booth!!

Never played the kissing game with losing something in the fondu pot. Will have to do that. We are regulars at that place.

And yeah, doing the commentary while riding in the car? People looked. If they ever ask, I will tell them it's my own reality show. HAH! Make them wonder!

Anonymous said...

"If dinner is costing you over a hundred bucks, DAMN IT put on some nice pants!"

I laughed out loud so hard that I cried!