Monday, January 7, 2008

Another day, another palindrome birthday

Boo: Mommy, what's wrong?
Me: I'm sad about my birthday.
Boo: Why, Mommy?
Me: It means I'm getting older which means I'm getting more wrinkles.
Boo: (touches my face) It's true, Mommy. You do have wrinkles.
Me: I don't want wrinkles.
Boo: But Mommy, that's what happens when you're a grownup. That's part of being a grownup. It can't be helped. I still love you.
Me: Thanks, Boo
Boo: Happy Birthday, Mommy. Happy Birthday, Wrinkle Mommy!

Yes, it's that time of year again. Time for me to age another year.

I no longer lie and say I am younger than my actual age.

I lie and say I am older.

"WOW! You look amazing for a woman of 51 years!"

Why yes. Yes I do.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...


Now go have a margarita!

No Minimom said...

Happy Birthday!

I second what Jennifer said. Have a second margarita for me!

Louanne said...

HAHA! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was 37 again! Enjoy every moment young lady.
From Rayanne in Dallas

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope that you get everything you wish for!

Chief said...

Happy Birthday Dearie

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday!

Mutha Mae said...

Thank you to everyone who took the time to wish me happy birthday here, via email, phone, and Twitter. I appreciate it very much! Last year Matt and I took the day to spend with Avie in the NICU while friends watched Boo and Juna was in an orphanage in China. This year I was with all of my healthy and happy girls. I'm looking forward to my 37th year and hope it brings new opportunities with the career, and continued health and happiness with the family.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday. You look great for 51 you really do. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, darling! Is that a TUTU on Matt's head? Excellent.

Shannon River said...

Happy Bornday!! Celebrate to the max with Boo and the Stinkies! And that weird guy wearing the tutu. Did he follow you home or something? ;-)

I'm a little confused, why is it a palindrome birthday?

Mutha Mae said...

The same forwards as it is backwards. That gives a hint to the year I was born!

Mrs. Schoner said...

Happy Birthday!!

I just say it's the ____ anniversary of my 35th birthday. Let them do the math!

Unknown said...

Belated happy birthday!

Amy said...

Happy birthday! Hope you had a grand celebration with the girls and your husband. Would that be Miss Boo's tutu on his head???

Mutha Mae said...

HAH, yeah that was Miss Boo's tutu. That pic was taken on her first birthday. The tutu got so abused by Boo and the cats, it had to be thrown away. Love that pic. Love the fact that my husband doesn't mind looking goofy on the internet.

It was a great birthday! Thanks again, everyone!

Holly said...

Happy Birthday ya olde fart!! LOL!!!
Hope it's amazing!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mae from Niki in CO!

gnomic said...

Your borthdays are irrellevent; its your kids birthdays that will age you now. And there are 3 times more of them.

Happy birthday old lady! I wish I were as young as you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! (late)
Was it your birthday when we visited? If so, sorry I didn't say it then. I didn't know....

BekkiBoo aka tubelessstl said...

belated b-day wishes to u